This story tells of the tale of Oki the young octopus who discovers a special gift that he has. However his gift caused him to be proud and his pride lead to his down fall! Find out how Oki escapes from his trouble and learn a big lesson about humility in this interesting and fun program!
This program integrates reading and listening to allow young children to develop a better grasp of the English language. Designed in a vibrant and interactive way, the professional story telling will capture the imagination of the children and inspire them to learn more grammar and vocabulary in an interesting and exciting way!
This courseware runs through an offline mode which is made convenient for users at all times.
There are 5 sections in this courseware:
*Listening & Speaking
*Listening & Practice
Through Reading, children are captivated to learn from an animated story, which captures the attention of children, promoting attentiveness.
Listening and Speaking is the section whereby children can learn to speak with the proper pronunciation. Children are able to repeat sentence by sentence at their own pace to learn the correct pronunciation, guided by the narrator.
Edutainment combines the elements of education with entertainment into one fun and exciting activity. This activity helps children in memory training and reading.
In the listening and practice section, children will be answering a short quiz using the details that they have learn during the story. This section aims to develop the children’s ability to remember as well as remember the key facts of a story.
Ultimately, this courseware is designed to enable kids to be proficient in the English language, capable of accessing knowledge and communicate with others effectively.